The Photographers of Constantinople, Pioneers, studios and artists from 19th century Istanbul. 2 cilt. ÖZTUNCAY, BAHATTİN

İstanbul: Aygaz, 2003. 2 cilt takım (735 s.), resimli. 35x25 cm. Yayıncısının şömizli orijinal cildinde. Orijinal kutusu içinde. Çok temiz. Hiç kullanılmamış, yeni. Vol. 1: Texts and photographs: Istanbul photographers of the 1850"s exhibiting in London, Paris and Brussels; Ottoman court photographers; and studios and artists that made their mark. Vol. 2: The Album: the imperial family; statesmen, celebrities and court officials; memories of a vanished world; costumes; professions and street sellers; everyday life; palaces and other edifices; the sea and Istanbul; panoramas; bibliography and index. Fotoğraf İstanbul Oryantalizm Dersaadet